
Miramont Pointe’s “Jacob Stoneking Benefit” and Other Activities Raise More Than $12,000 for Candlelighters

Inaugural Event Fulfills Jacob Stoneking’s Wish to Help Families in the Region Facing Childhood Cancer 

PORTLAND (CLACKAMAS), Ore. (March 19, 2014) – The inaugural “Jacob Stoneking Benefit for  Candlelighters For Children With Cancer” hosted last week by Miramont Pointe, and other sponsored community activities, inspired hundreds of participants and support of the community, and raised $12,127. Jacob StonekingThe contributions included cash and credit card donations for the benefit fundraiser, a graduation event in honor of “Jake,” a Jeans Day at Miramont Pointe, and $2,010 to date in Gift Cards for the Candlelighters Emergency Fund.

Miramont Pointe plans to sponsor an annual Jacob Stoneking fundraising benefit event for Candlelighters For Children With Cancer at its senior living and health care community.

“We were overjoyed by the strong show of support from area businesses, organizations, churches, individuals and my workplace, Miramont Pointe, and support of our management company, The Goodman Group, based in Minnesota,” said Wendy Stoneking, Jake’s mother and business office director at Miramont Pointe. “We are also proud of Jake’s concern and care for other families dealing with childhood cancer and special wish to host a benefit on his bucket list, and this has inspired countless others to help make a difference.”

“It was an unbelievable afternoon and overwhelming to see the genuine show of support for Jake, his family and Candlelighters,” said Janet Sams, executive director for Candlelighters For Children With Canceer. “Because of such an outpour of generosity, Candlelighters For Children With Cancer unveiled our newest program: The Jacob Stoneking Gift Card Fund. It is our wish to help the Stoneking family honor Jake and the legacy of his giving spirit.”

The Country-themed dinner, prepared by Executive Chef Samuel Evangelista of Miramont Pointe’s Pacifica Restaurant, was a major hit with attendees and featured all of Jake’s favorite’s including country barbecue pork, baked beans, Spanish rice, chocolate covered strawberries, and a Root Beer Float Bar. Jake and his mother Wendy, led an enthusiastic group of attendees in country line dancing.

Stoneking is facing a terminal form of brain cancer called medulloblastoma and wants to help others by supporting the organization which has brought great comfort and support to him and his family. Every year, Candlelighters helps over a thousand families in Oregon and SW Washington.

Donations can continue to be made online by visiting Candlelighters For Children With Cancer Website and designating “Jacob Stoneking Benefit” in the notes section of the donation form. Candlelighters is a 501(c)3 and, therefore, contributions may be tax-deductible.The organization also welcomes thedonation of Gift Cards for the Candlelighters Emergency Fund, so they can help kids and their families in the region facing childhood cancer.

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